Monday, 12 September 2011

super god!

heey guys!

these last few weeks i have been really busy. like, really super uber majorly busy. i can't even remember what i've been doing, i've just been...well, busy.
i have an awful disease. a dilapidating, painful, stressful disease. it's called the 'ican'tsaynotoanything' disease. it can be defined as the inability to say no to anything and just adding more and more things to your plate. if you're like me, you will also try to do everything with a massive smile on your face and pretend like everything is super fine and that you have no problems or cares in the world. everything is just damn easy.
you might also suffer from this terrible affliction. besides wearing me out and draining me of energy, it also means that my head is constantly filled with buzzing thoughts that get louder and louder until i yell at them to be quiet. not literally. i get more and more busy and more and more stressed until i break in two. i grow further and further away from god because i can't be silent and listen to him because i can't hear him. i talk myself into being too busy to spend time with him and read the bible and pray that i just almost cut off from him.
last week was a tough one, actually. i was doing various presentations to various groups of people, whilst trying to do my homework, whilst trying to keep my sanity, whilst trying to do it all alone. note to self: this is not a successful combination. it got to the point where i yelled at my bin for overflowing and collapsed on a heap on my bedroom floor, sobbing violently. at this point, i screamed out JESUS! HELP ME!, and weirded out the non-christian members of my family (aka all of them). i asked god for peace. i asked god for rest. i asked god to save me from the mess i felt like. and guess what, he did.
i've heard people say before, 'i cried out to god and he came to my rescue.' 'he gave me a bible verse,' or 'a comforting word' or 'i just felt this overwhelming sense of peace and i knew that god was with me.' and to tell you the truth, i'd never felt it. god just never rescued me like he did other people.
but on that night, on my bedroom floor, i felt all of them. he hugged me. he gave me a comforting word from his scripture. he gave me an overwhelming sense of peace. i felt calm again, i was no longer sobbing violently or stressed and nervous about the presentation i had to make.
 'come to me all you who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest.' matthew 11:28.
he does give us rest when we come to him. when we cry out to him in a fluff of tears he is there and he answers. he. gives. us. rest.
i encourage you now, all those who have my disease, when times get busy, make time for god. we know that it is us that is drawing away from god and that he is still there, but we forget that he can actually save us. draw close, call out, find peace.

*prayer for the week*: that even though you are busy with exams or boys/girls or formal or saving the world, that you might constantly remember that god's yoke is easy and his burden is light. you can find rest in him. let god know that you want to remember that.

god bless you all, i hope you have a peaceful and rewarding week!
next time i blog i will probably be overseas!
have a safe and happy holiday!

love oliveanddaisy xx

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