Friday, 29 July 2011

embracing the pain

hi guys,
today i came out of the dark dance room at school and walked out into the light sunshine and i got that annoying feeling where your eyes hurt because they've been in the dark. i just wanted to go back into the dance room or shut my eyes, but i knew that i'd have to get used to the light somehow so i kept my eyes open and smiled through the stinging pain. (im just a drama queen, it wasn't that bad, but you totally know what i mean.)
this got me thinking, light hurts sometimes. when we've been in the dark for a long time and suddenly a light is shone in our faces, it hurts. we reject it. we'd prefer the dark. but strangely, sometimes when we're in the light, we don't even notice the dark creeping up on us. it seems kind of natural. we let the dark in. our eyes accustom quicker to the dark than they do the light. stay with me.
in the same way, sin creeps up on us so super duper quickly, and temptation comes in so many forms that we don't even notice it happening. before we know it, we are in the darkness and we haven't even realised. but then god shines light on us and convicts us of our sin, and we deny it because we are much more comforatble in the dark. we are rebuked and we hate it because it hurts.
i had this experience the other day. i was pulled up for something that i knew inside was wrong but i didn't want to accept as sin. my first reaction was to deny it. i wanted to crawl back into the dark, but i knew it was good for me. so many times we don't though, and so starts a downwards spiral of darkness where you bag out that person and nit-pick the things that are wrong with them.
next time you are rebuked, think of this. i know it hurts initially, but in the end it's so much better to be living in god's light. have a check with yourself now. is there an area of your life where you are living in darkness? are you feeling convicted of anything? remember, the devil is out there for your destruction, but god is there to give you life.

*prayer for the week* - ask god to show you any hidden area of your life where sin might be creeping up on you and repent. say sorry to god for all the times you've rejected conviction and make it a priority to grow from conviction rather than spiraling down into sin.

i hope this week is fulfilling for you.
all my love

oliveanddaisy xx

1 comment:

  1. Nice analogy and thanks for reminding me.

    It's really good to talk about the struggles you are having with sin, or get someone else to look out for you, because as you said, before you know it, you are on unstable land, sinking fast.

    Standing up to sin, is much easier with a friend.

    Have a good week!
